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Showing posts from October, 2012

A changemaker’s Journey – Hilary Whitwell

I met Hilary Whitwell when I was picking up food and snacks for the jam from the Best Before Project, where she is one of the core organisers, and we had a chance to talk in the traffic. What is your background and what made you decide to set out on your mission? I am a physiotherapist by background who stumbled and then fell head first into this project. About 2 years ago I was at a Tai Chi workshop and during one of the breaks I idly picked up a magazine. In it was an interview of Mark Boyle who lives without money and has set up skills sharing website called I joined the network and a few months later Voytek Stando, the founder of Best Before Project, put out an appeal for people interested in setting up a group to stop perfectly good food being thrown away just because it is past its ‘best before’ date. Can you describe a couple of high and low points on the way? There have been very few low points but there have definitely been some ‘what on eart...