What Brown is talking about is a revolution that will remake our relationship with our planet, and with our fellow animals. Eating meat is bad for the environment, of that there is no doubt. And the moral arguments against killing animals are compelling. Humans currently slaughter about 1,600 mammals and birds every second for food – that is half a trillion lives a year, plus trillions more fish, crustaceans and molluscs. The total biomass of all the world's livestock is almost exactly twice that of humanity itself. And while crops that feed people cover just 4% of the Earth's usable surface (land that is not covered by ice or water, or is bare rock), animal pastureland accounts for a full 30%. Our meat, in other words, weighs twice as much as we do and takes seven times as much land to grow." And here the update: "The world's first lab-grown burger has been cooked and eaten at a news conference in London" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-235761...